Friday, September 30, 2005


Can't Stop the Signal

In about 2 1/2 hours my butt'll be planted in a movie theater where Joss Whedon's Serentiy will be about to roll, once we sort through the 10-15 minutes of commercials and trailers that precede the feature film. (Whatever happened to cartoons and newsreels? Oh, how I loved Matinee at the Bijou as a kid... but I digress...)

The reviews tend to be more positive than not. The film's got a healthy - respectable, even - Tomatometer ranking at and an 8.4 out of 10 at

And I've been looking forward to this debut for months!

Add to that the fact that this is the first weekend in a while when we don't have big plans involving elephants, out-of-town guests, and three jars of Nutella, plus the fact that the weather has taken a turn towards that beautiful crisp fall so characteristic of this part of the Midwest, as well as the fact that my fiance is a wonderful, wonderful guy, and we're looking at a weekend that's bound to please. And possibly even be relaxing.

How the heck am I so lucky???

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