Tuesday, August 21, 2007


New link

My brother Chris has been working on his website. I've added it to the links. Check it out!

Thursday, August 09, 2007



I started a new job a couple weeks ago, officially. Unofficially, I'd been working in that position for about a month. Before that I was working in my old position and training for this new position for, well, most of the spring semester. I'm in International Programs now, which is where I wanted to be.

It's the kind of job where I'm going to need to get through a whole year on the job to actually know what I'm doing. The start of a new semester looms just around the corner, for instance. This involves an orientation session for new international students, which is a pretty big project. There are also visiting scholars arriving to begin their year-long research projects. The closing out of the admissions cycle happens now, too. Keeping up with the daily goings-on in the office is just one more part of the to-do list.

What's really great and really terrible is that we've also moved into new offices. In the midst of the foothills of all the hecticness that leads into the new semester, we packed up three separate offices to move into one office suite. It's a nice setup, and the timing isn't as bad as it could be. But some of the details of moving make my workaday life a little more difficult.
I'm grateful for that, and for the other things that are working out well.
Yeah, the positive stuff greatly outweighs the negatives, which are really only temporary, move-related items anyway.

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